Tuesday 22 January 2013

How to record live hand history

You need to use abbreviations to quickly record live hand. Do it ASAP after hand played out so you don't forget anything. Find your own style which is most comfortable to you. Main objective is to do it quickly and write down as much details as possible so you can reconstruct hand later after session during session review.

For example:
2c, HJ(500) opens 20, I call(600) JcTc in CO, c,c
4 to flop. (85) 2c5c7s, ck,ck, HJ 45, I r 130, f,f,c
HU turn (345) Qd, ck, I AI 285, f

Translates into this:
Blinds 2/5. 2 limp, Hijack with stack of $500 open raises to $20, I call in Cutoff with Jack of clubs and Ten of clubs having stack of $600. Blinds folded, limpers called. 4 players saw flop with $85 in the pot. Flop 2 of clubs, 5 of clubs, 7 of spades. Check, check, Hijack bets $45, I raise to $130, fold, fold, Hijack calls. Head-up to turn. Pot $345. Turn card Queen of diamonds. Hijack checks, I move all-in for $285 effective, Hijack folds.

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